Suddenlife Gaming

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The term Sudden Life Gaming describes a form of gambling, in which fiction unexpectedly (Engl. Suddenness ) breaks in everyday life of people. Suddenness and surprising twists and turns of fictional events promote the affective address of the players and the immediacy of the experience is achieved. Suddenlife Gaming is a variant of transmedia storytelling .

Concept history

The term Suddenlife Gaming is a neologism coined by Peggy Jürges . He describes a phenomenon that occurs again and again in Alternate Reality Games (ARG) and in other forms of staged experience. Since 2012, the term has repeatedly been picked up and disseminated by various media in connection with reports on transmedia art and game forms.


Suddenlife Gaming has a direct impact on the everyday life of the participants in Alternate Reality Games and adventure stories. As a rule, those affected knowingly take part in a game and are involved in its course with the help of various media such as telephone, e-mail or post. However, there are also forms of suddenlife gaming in which people happen to be surprised. With the well-known ARG “I love Bees” (2004), for example, coin phones rang at certain times throughout the USA. When unsuspecting passers-by picked up the phone, they heard strange sounds like from another world and could speak to an extraterrestrial intelligence - a typical case of Suddenlife Gaming. In addition, there are also suddenlife gaming experiences that result from direct encounters with people, i.e. from staged actor assignments.

It is crucial for the functioning of Suddenlife Gaming that those affected cannot be sure what to expect and when. The scope, type and length of the experiences vary. They can be limited to short moments or go over several weeks and result from various elements such as telephone calls, mail or e-mails, which gradually come together to form a story or constellation. In this way, immersion is generated and gradually increased: The players are specifically related to fictional or partially fictional content to which they must behave. The boundaries between fiction and reality can become blurred, which can be conducive to the desired affective address.

Spread and trends

Similar means and principles are also used in artistic and political actions, for example in forms of communication guerrilla , or are used as instruments for viral marketing and recruitment . In addition, Suddenlife Gaming is increasingly being used in the adventure gift sector. Scientists like Mathias Mertens are now also concerned with suddenlife gaming and its phenomena.

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