Sulayman Nyang

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Sulayman Sheikh Nyang (born August 12, 1944 in Gambia ; † November 12, 2018 in Washington, DC ) was Professor of African Studies at Howard University in Washington, DC, United States .


Born in Gambier , he went to Great Britain in 1964 and to the United States a year later, where he received a BA in Political Science and Philosophy from Hampton University . He received his MA in Public Administration from the University of Virginia , where he also received his PhD. From 1975 to 1978 he was Deputy Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Among other things, he worked as a consultant for the Smithsonian Institution .


  • Islam, Christianity and African Identity (1984)
  • A Line in the Sand: Saudi Arabia's Role in the Gulf War (1995, with Evan Hendricks )
  • Religious Plurality in Africa (1993, with Jacob Olupona )

Individual evidence

  1. Gambia: Professor Dr. Sulayman Nyang dies at age of 74. In: November 12, 2018, accessed February 25, 2019 .
  2. The Big Interview: Leading Gambian Professor Dr. Sulayman Nyang Speaks!

Web links