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Sūmu-Abum was the founder of the 1st Dynasty of Babylonia from 1894 to 1881 BC. BC ( middle chronology ) Babylonian king. There is little information about him. His name and some structural sociological features of the kingdom he established suggest that he was of Western Semitic origin. But whether he, like Išbi-Erra before him , was earlier in the service of another Mesopotamian state is not clear.

Sūmu-Abum spent a large part of his fourteen-year reign not only strengthening Babylon through fortifications, but also through the military or diplomatic submission of several other cities, especially Kiš and Sippar . An early royal list puts his reign in that of Ilu-šūma from Assyria.


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predecessor Office successor
- King of Babylonia
1894–1881 BC Chr.