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Supravital ( adjective , Latin compound from supra / super , "over" and vitalis , "alive") literally means surviving and is a technical term mainly used in forensic medicine or thanatology . The corresponding noun is supravitality .

This refers to processes that take place in the dying process, especially during the phase of intermediate life , i.e. after the occurrence of individual death or the detachment of an organ or cell group from the organism, but before the last cell dies.

This is how the selective tissue staining of surviving cells is called a supravital staining after they have been detached from a cell network .

Special residual functions of supravital tissues can also be detected in an early post-mortem stage, the so-called supravital reactions : These include muscle contractions that can still be triggered, e.g. B. the pupils (through appropriate pharmaceuticals ) or the skeletal muscles and in a certain way the continuation of the reactivity of the blood coagulation system , the sperm or immunological phenomena such as the graft-versus-host reaction of certain transplanted tissue in the "new" host body.


See also