Sveriges Akademikers Central Organization

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The Central Organization of Swedish Academics (Swedish: Sveriges Akademikers Centralorganisation , SACO) is the umbrella organization for the academic unions in Sweden . It has 26 individual trade unions. The SACO represents the interests of academics in Sweden, while workers are organized in the umbrella organization LO and employees in the umbrella organization TCO .

SACO is a member of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). In the membership list of the IGB, membership is given as 662,865 (as of November 2017).


The first academics union was formed in 1943 by younger academics. In 1947 the umbrella organization SACO was created, which was joined in 1975 by the Reich Association of State Employees. The membership has grown rapidly over the past few decades and stood at approximately 569,000 on January 1, 2005.

Member unions

  • Agrifack
  • Akademikerförbundet (SSR)
  • Civilekonomerna
  • DIK
  • Förbundet Sveriges work therapist (FSA)
  • Jusek
  • Kyrkans Akademikerförbund
  • Legitimerade Sjukgymnasters Riksförbund (LSR)
  • Läkarförbundet
  • Lärarnas Riksförbund (LR)
  • Naturvetareförbundet
  • Officersförbundet
  • SACO-förbundet Trafik och Järnväg (TJ)
  • SACO: s Tjänstemannaförbund (SRAT)
  • Skogsakademikerna
  • Sveriges Architect
  • Sveriges Farmacevtförbund (SFF)
  • Sveriges Fartygsbefälsförening (SFBF)
  • Sveriges Ingenjörer (2007 merged Civilingenjörsförbundet (CF) and Ingenjörsförbundet to Sveriges Ingenjörer)
  • Sveriges Psykologförbund
  • Sveriges Reservofficersförbund (SROF)
  • Sveriges Skolledarförbund
  • Sveriges Tandläkarförbund (STF)
  • Sveriges Universitetslärarförbund (SULF)
  • Sveriges Veterinärförbund (SVF)


The organs of the TCO are:

  • the Congress, the highest decision-making body.
  • the board

The head office is in Stockholm .

Individual evidence

  1. List of the national member associations in the ETUC , accessed on May 23, 2018
  2. IGB Membership List , accessed on May 23, 2018

Web links