Symplectic Euler method

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In numerical mathematics , the symplectic Euler method is a modification of the Euler method for solving Hamilton's equations , certain systems of ordinary differential equations that occur in classical mechanics . It has the same effort as the Euler method, but still delivers better results. The symplectic Euler method can be viewed as a combination of the explicit and the implicit Euler method .

In general, a numerical calculation method is called symplectic if it describes a symplectic mapping when applied to a Hamilton system. Symplectic methods maintain the symplectic structure . This is desirable because the flow of Hamilton systems is symplectic and, because of their symplecticity, the methods also receive certain conservation quantities of the flow.

Individual evidence

  1. Marlis Hochbruck : With mathematics to reliable simulations: numerical methods for solving time-dependent problems . In: Katrin Wendland , Annette Werner (Hrsg.): Multifaceted Mathematics: Insights into modern mathematical research for everyone who wants to understand more about mathematics . Vieweg + Teubner, Wiesbaden 2011, ISBN 978-3-8348-1414-2 , pp. 191–214 , here p. 196 .
  2. Michael Griebel , Stephan Knapek, Gerhard Zumbusch , Attila Caglar: Numerical simulation in molecular dynamics: numerics, algorithms, parallelization, applications . Springer, Berlin 2004, ISBN 978-3-540-41856-6 , here pp. 224-225 .