Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange

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SAMI ( Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange ) is a structured markup language published by Microsoft in 1998 . It is used, for example, for simple subtitles when playing media on a PC.

SAMI documents are simple text files and can be written and edited in any text editor. The file extensions are .sami or .smi (also used for SMIL ). Each SAMI document can contain several languages.

The SAMI format for subtitles is mostly used in South Korea .


HTML and CSS can be used to format text in SAMI documents. The following HTML tags are allowed:

Surname description
B. Bold text style
BASEFONT Base font size
BDO I18N BiDi override
BIG Large text style
BLOCK RATE Long quotation
BR Forced line break
CAPTION Table caption
CENTER Shorthand for DIV align = center
COL Table column
COLGROUP Table column group
DD Definition description
DIV Generic language / style container
DL Definition list
DT Definition term
FONT Local change to font
H1 Heading
H2 Heading
H3 Heading
H4 Heading
H5 Heading
H6 Heading
MR Horizontal rule
I. Italic text style
IMG Embedded image
LI List item
OIL Ordered list
P paragraph
PRE Preformatted text
Q Short inline quotation
S. Strike-through text style
SMALL Small text style
SPAN Generic language / style container
STRIKE Strike-through text
SUB Subscript
SUP Superscript
TBODY Table body
TD Table data cell
TFOOT Table footer
TH Table header cell
THEAD Table header
TR Table row
TT Teletype or monospaced text style
U Underlined text style
UL Unordered list

Playback software with SAMI support

SAMI Authoring Tools

  • Audio WASP
  • Hi-Caption
  • MAGpie

See also

Web links