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As Synusie (or Synousia , of give a wiki. Συνουσα or ξυνουσα, together ',' handling ',' transport ', esp., Traffic between teachers and students', but also sexual intercourse') is called in philosophy joint action with free exchange of knowledge. The term was coined by Plato's Academy , which is described in his seventh letter (324a ff.). This form of synusy is a forerunner of today's hacker ethics .

In a figurative sense, the term synusia is also used in ecology ; He referred to a community of organisms with a characteristic species inventory usually the same or similar forms of life , which in a Syntop , so a small, definable habitat neckline , lives; These are subsystems without their own material cycle or energy flow that are embedded in the overall ecosystem. The term synusia was introduced in 1918 by Helmut Gams into the theory of plant communities , phytozoenology .

Examples of synusia in deciduous forests are the tree layer, the shrub layer, the herb layer, the synusia of lichen on the tree trunks and the moss synusia at the base of the trunks or on tree stumps (examples from Walter; Breckle, vol. 1, p. 28) .

See also
