Syrian Arab Red Crescent

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founding 1942
Seat Damascus , Syria
Action space Syria
Chair Abdul Rahman Attar
Volunteers about 11,000
The eponymous symbols of the movement - the Red Cross and the Red Crescent on a white background

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent ( English Syrian Arab Red Crescent, abbreviated: SARC; Arabic الهلال الأحمر العربي السوري, DMG al-Hilāl al-Aḥmar al-ʿArabī as-Sūrī ) is a private non-governmental organization based in Damascus , Syria . The organization, founded in 1942, has been a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement since 1946 . According to its own information, the SARC supports 4.5 million people in the country shaken by civil war. The focus of the work of the SARC is on refugee aid and disaster control . But she is also active in first aid training and general health care. She works closely with the International Red Cross (ICRC) and UN organizations. The majority of the SARC employees consist of voluntary, honorary helpers.

Individual evidence

  1. IFRC: The Syrian Arab Red Crescent together with the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and partners have greatly expanded their response, now reaching around 4.5 million people every month.
  2. Syrian Arab Red Crescent About US
  3. Highlights of Syrian Arab Red Crescent activities April 2018
  4. The Volunteers are the Backbone of the Organization. The Syrian Arab Red Cross welcomes the volunteers and support them with training courses.