Système d'identification du repertoire des entreprises
Système d'identification du répertoire des entreprises ( abbreviation: SIREN , German: identification system of the business register) is the name for the company code in France including the overseas territories and is used to uniquely identify companies and institutions.
The SIREN code is issued by the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (INSEE). The code has 9 numbers. The first 8 digits are used to identify the company, the ninth digit is a check digit. French public organizations have 1 or 2 as the first number. The check digit is used to check the correctness of the code and the Luhn algorithm is used to calculate the check digit .
The SIREN code is issued by INSEE in sequence. It is assigned by ISNEE when the company is founded and supplemented with a four-digit activity code. The main activity of the company can be read from this code.
The SIREN code must be stated on business papers. The validity of this code can then be queried in the SIRENE company and branch directory ( S ystème I nformatique pour le R épertoire des En treprises et des E tablissements).
The SIREN code is completely integrated, including the check digit in ninth position, into the French sales tax identification number (Numéro d'identification des entreprises), whereby another two-digit check digit is then calculated.
See also
- Registre du commerce et des sociétés (RCS)
- Système d'identification du répertoire des établissements (SIRET)
Web links
- Search SIREN code (French)
- Check digit calculation (French)
- INSEE Institute website (French, English)