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Termium Plus is the terminology database (terminology and linguistic data bank / banque de données et linguistiques teminologiques) of the Government of Canada , with about four million keywords in English and in French, partly in Spanish and Portuguese.


The development of TERMIUM Plus was started in 1970 by the University of Montreal (the name is derived from " TERMI nologie U niversité de M ontréal") and in 1976 it was taken over by the Government's Translation Bureau / Bureau de la traduction. In 1987 there was a CDROM as a pilot project, and from 1990 it was possible to subscribe to the TERMIUM CD. TERMIUM Plus has been freely accessible on the WWW since 2009.


TERMIUM Plus not only serves the public sector of Canada, but is now actually a lexicon with many keywords and definitions in the two official languages ​​of Canada, i.e. English and French (and partly in Spanish and Portuguese), in practically all areas of administration, of law, art, science, technology etc. The result of every search (also for abbreviations) offers definitions, context examples and information on the subject areas to which the term found belongs. TERMIUM Plus also offers writing aids (Writing tips / Clefs du français pratique) and more. The special "French-Canadian" vocabulary of Canada is expressed, e.g. B. "fin de semaine" for "week-end".

Individual evidence

  1. TERMIUM Plus homepage