Terminology database
A terminology database is a special type of database that is used to manage terminology . Applications can range from simple dictionaries and glossaries to structured thesauri .
Terminology databases support both editorial work and translation . They help to use uniform, unambiguous and tested technical and company terminology and to avoid "forbidden" terminology (e.g. product names from other manufacturers). Terminology databases are often part of translation memory systems. There they suggest the target-language names of the terms used to the user during the translation. In addition to a desktop version, various systems also have a web component in order to be able to access terminology via the intranet or Internet.
In addition to linguistic information (e.g. part of speech, gender , number ), the data usually also contain technical (e.g. topic) and meta information (e.g. source) as well as context examples. It is essential that the data have a high level of structure and can be processed automatically.
Exchange formats
The SGML -based MARTIF (Machine-readable terminology interchange format) according to ISO 12200: 1999-10 was created as a manufacturer-independent exchange format. The XML- based format TermBase eXchange (TBX) was created, which was raised to the ISO standard ISO 30042: 2008-12. Most terminology databases also support other data formats such as CSV or Microsoft Excel in order to transfer existing terminology lists into the database or to make terminology available from the database.
- IATE ( Inter-Active Terminology for Europe , formerly Eurodicautom ) - the terminology database for the institutions of the European Union
- TERMDAT - the terminology database of the Swiss federal administration
- International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
- Free registration required DIN terminology portal (DIN-TERM) of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN)
- DIN-TERM online (DIN-TERM online) Name search of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) (without registration)
- TermTerm is a project to set up a freely available terminology database on terminology