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TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) is a standard for information security defined by the automotive industry . A large number of automobile manufacturers and suppliers to the German automotive industry have been demanding TISAX certification from many business partners since 2017.

The member companies of the Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA for short) have created a catalog that was derived from the international industry standard ISO / IEC 27001 and adapted to the requirements of the automotive world.

VDA ISA tests, especially for service providers and suppliers, are carried out by accredited certification service providers. The ENX Association acts as a governance organization in the new system. It accredits the audit service providers and monitors the quality of the implementation and the assessment results. This is to ensure that the results at the end of the day correspond to the desired quality and objectivity and that the rights and obligations of the participants are preserved.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.vda.de/de/presse/Pressemmeldung/20171127-Informationssicherheit-Das-VDA-TISAX-Modell-ermoeglicht-Standardiesierung-Qualitaetssicherung-und-gemeinsame-Anerknung-von-Prueferlösungen.html