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TP / IX - The next Internet ( RFC 1475 ) is an obsolete draft of a successor to IPv4 from 1993 . In addition to the changes to the Internet Protocol , the draft also proposed improvements to the Transmission Control Protocol and the User Datagram Protocol .

The main reason for the development of TP / IX was the impending shortage of IP addresses with IPv4 . Therefore, the address length of this protocol has been increased from 32 bits to 64 bits. With the introduction of IPv6 in 1995 , which offers additional improvements in addition to an address length of 128 bits, TP / IX lost its importance.

The Internet Protocol from TP / IX has version number 7 at IANA . The author Robert Ullmann chose this number because he erroneously assumed that the Experimental Internet Stream Protocol, Version 2 (ST-II) ( RFC 1190 ) was already the version number 6 occupied.