TV week

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tv.woche is an Austrian television magazine.

The magazine is part of the Mediaprint publishing group. It appears every Friday as a supplement to the daily newspapers Kurier , Wiener Zeitung, Neue Kärntner Tageszeitung and other print products.

A comprehensive relaunch of the magazine took place in April 2009. In addition to the television program, the section “Technology meets television” and reports on high-tech products are now also appearing. The "Techno" magazine, which has been published ten times a year to date, will be thematically incorporated into the new tv.woche.

In 2009, the tv.woche had a reach of around 612,000 readers according to the homepage.

Following the trend of current dance shows like Dancing Stars , tv.woche started a competition called TV Woche Tanztrophy in 2008 . Amateur dancers were able to rise to the winners of the 1st TV week dance trophy in several rounds while observing the readers of Mediaprint products and other magazines as well as television.

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