Daily admission

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In a day registration is a process in which a vehicle to be sold by a dealer for a single day allowed is. This is done with the intention of being able to sell this vehicle to end customers at a higher discount afterwards. The registration and deregistration are formally on paper ( registration certificate II) without the vehicle being moved in traffic.

The vehicle is an unused, as good as new warehouse vehicle that is available from the dealer on site or in an interim storage facility . Apart from a possible delivery time from the interim storage facility, it is available immediately.

Definition of terms

  • Order vehicle : An order vehicle is configured and ordered at the customer's request. It has no previous owner and has a mileage of almost 0 km (several km can be achieved through loading and the like). It can take several months for delivery.
  • Demonstration vehicle: A vehicle that has been registered for a dealer and used for commercial purposes, which was mainly used for demonstration purposes (inspection and test drive) and was not yet registered for an end user.
  • Used car : A vehicle that was registered for one or more end customers and has a mileage significantly greater than 0 km.
  • Short-term license plates / export license plates : There is a certain risk of confusion with the daily license.

End customer perspective

  • The end customer receives significant discounts compared to the manufacturer's list price.
  • The end customer is documented as the second owner because the dealer is entered as the first owner in the registration certificate II due to the daily admission.
  • If there is a defect when the vehicle is handed over, the statutory warranty for new vehicles applies . These rights expire within 2 years from delivery to the end customer. (In Austria: "In the case of motor vehicles, a [...] reduction [of the warranty period to one year] is only effective if more than one year has passed since the date of the first registration." Section 9 (1) last sentence KSchG .)
  • The term of a manufacturer's guarantee usually begins with the initial registration to the dealer, so it is shortened by the daily registration.
  • One-day registrations are generally only offered for stock vehicles, rarely for individually configured order vehicles.

Dealer view

  • Dealers have contractually stipulated minimum purchase quantities and tiered volume discounts with manufacturers. It may therefore be temporarily necessary or useful for a dealer to purchase more vehicles from the manufacturer than is currently in demand from end customers.
  • As part of special promotions, dealers can receive additional commissions from the manufacturer for vehicles that are registered within a certain period of time. Similarly, special commissions can be linked to annual target quantities, so that it can be worthwhile for dealers to purchase a certain number of additional vehicles temporarily or at the end of the year and register them as daily registrations.
  • The manufacturers have contractually stipulated scope for price reductions, which the retailer may not fall below for end customers, otherwise his commissions will be reduced. These restrictions can be circumvented in a permitted manner with daily permits.
  • In the case of vehicle imports from some European countries, a daily registration on site may be necessary in order to fulfill guarantee or warranty conditions for the vehicle.

Manufacturer's point of view

  • For manufacturers, it can be of interest if their own vehicle type takes part in statistics that attract the public. For example, the ADAC breakdown statistics are linked to the condition that 10,000 new registrations per year must be achieved so that a car model is included in the statistics. If it is foreseeable that regular sales will only just go below this amount, the manufacturer can provide targeted assistance with daily approvals.
  • For manufacturers, daily approvals are a method of granting end customers price reductions based on demand without having to lower the list prices to the public.


Tax law aspects

If the use of the vehicle is taxed as a pecuniary benefit using the 1% rule, the gross list price (i.e. including VAT) is decisive, without daily admission discounts.

Legal Aspects

According to a ruling by the Federal Court of Justice (VIII ZR 109/04), cars with one-day registration are to be regarded as new cars if the model is still manufactured unchanged, it does not show any defects due to the downtime and if there is a max. 12 months and the mileage is almost "0" (+10) kilometers.

Insurance aspects

Some car insurances grant special discounts for new vehicles, whereby the customer as the first owner must be listed in the registration certificate II as proof. Vehicles with daytime registration do not meet this requirement.

Web links

Wiktionary: daily admission  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations