Erraguene dam

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Erraguene dam
Tributaries: Oued Djen Djen
Drain: Oued Djen Djen
Erraguene dam (Algeria)
Erraguene dam
Coordinates 36 ° 34 '55 "  N , 5 ° 34' 35"  E Coordinates: 36 ° 34 '55 "  N , 5 ° 34' 35"  E
Data on the structure
Lock type: Pillar vault wall
Construction time: 1955-1961
Height of the barrier structure : 82 m
Crown length: 510 m
Data on the reservoir
Storage space 200,000 m³

The Erraguene dam ( French Barrage d'Erraguène , often written without an accent ) is located in Algeria in the area of ​​the municipality of Erraguene in the province of Jijel , about 30 km as the crow flies southwest of Jijel .

It dams the Oued Djen-Djen to a reservoir with an original storage space of 200,000 m³ and is used to generate electricity.

The dam was built by Campenon Bernard between 1955 and 1961 . Eugène Freyssinet played a key role in its planning . After the list of African dams of FAO they first went into operation in 1963, the year after Algerian independence.

It is a pier vault dam with a height of 82 m and a crown length of 510 m. It consists of a central group of three pillars, between which two steep flood relief channels were arranged, and which are flanked on one side by 5, on the other side by 6 vaulted walls with spans of 35 m each. The vault walls are supported on the valley side by concrete pillars against the water pressure. The power plant is located at the foot of one of the vaulted walls.

Individual evidence

  1. Erraguen. Agence Nationale des Barrages et Transferts (ANBT)
  2. ^ Dominique Barjot, Jacques Dureuil: 150 ans de génie civil: une histoire de centraliens. PUPS - Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne 2008, ISBN 978-2-84050-569-3 , p. 111 ( digitized extract on Google Books)
  3. Barrage à voûtes multiples d'Erraguène sur l'oued Djen - Djen, Algérie, 1955 - 1961 on the website of the Association Eugène Freyssinet
  4. ^ FAO's List of African Dams