Tamara Heribanová

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Heribanová at a reading in Vienna (2013)

Tamara Šimončíková Heribanová (born May 6, 1985 in Bratislava , Czechoslovakia ) is a Slovak writer and journalist .

Tamara Šimončíková Heribanová

life and work

Heribanová is an internal doctoral candidate at the Institute for World Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, a member of the PEN authors' association , an ambassador of the literary geocaching project “Knihobežník” and, from 2013, a member of the editorial board of the bi-monthly literary journal for new literature and art Dotyky (Touches).

She made her debut with the prose Predavačky bublín (Herial, 2010), followed by the novella Bola to len láska (Verlag 7 plus, 2012) and the children's book Misia Eva prísne tajné (Ikar, 2012, illustration by Petra Hilbert), which took 3rd place received in the reader survey of the book revue and was rated as one of the most beautiful Slovak children's books in the same year. In 2014 the sequel to the children's novel Misia Eva v Thajsku (Ikar, 2014, illustration by Petra Hilbert) was published, which was again included in the category of the most beautiful Slovak children's books. In the same year the novel Malá doba ľadová (Ikar, 2014) was published.

In 2012 Heribanová participated in the books Príbehy v znamení túžby (CZ: Mladá fronta, 2012), and in the context of the project “AVON against domestic violence” in the book V dobrom, zlom a ešte horšom (CZ: Magenta, 2012). The children's book Pejko a jeho nevšední priatelia was published in 2015 .

Heribanová is the organizer of several literary workshops, events at elementary schools, high schools and universities (e.g. from 2012 with the project “Literatur auf Reisen” , from 2014 literature clubs in schools, in cooperation with PEN International Clifford Chance Foundation and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and in 2015 the literary soirée in the Panta Rhei River Park).

In the last few years the author has devoted herself to scientific work and the popularization of traditional clothes. She is currently working for Vogue Portugal as a team leader within the framework of the “Back to the roots” project (socio-historical development of traditional dresses and the semiotics of traditional costumes in Portugal).

Heribanová currently lives in Lisbon with her child and husband .

Web links

Commons : Tamara Heribanova  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. http://usvl.sav.sk/wp/?page_id=42
  2. http://scpen.international/team/heribanova-tamara/
  3. [1]
  4. Databazeknih.cz: Bola to len láska - Tamara Heribanová | Databáze knih. Retrieved May 13, 2018 .
  5. Tamara Heribanová: Misia Eva, prísne tajné . Ed .: IKAR. IKAR, Bratislava 2012, ISBN 978-80-551-3047-7 ( martinus.sk [accessed on May 13, 2018]).
  6. http://www.kniznarevue.sk/sites/default/files/files/o_ankete_kniha_roka_1.pdf?info=true&info=true
  7. https://www.buxcafe.sk/aktuality/ocenili-najkrajsie-knihy-slovenska-za.html
  8. Tamara Heribanová: Misia Eva v Thajsku . IKAR, 2014, ISBN 978-80-551-4101-5 , pp. 176 ( martinus.sk [accessed on May 13, 2018]).
  9. ^ Tamara Heribanová: Malá doba ľadová . Ed .: IKAR. 2014, ISBN 978-80-551-4100-8 , pp. 240 ( martinus.sk [accessed May 13, 2018]).
  10. Příběhy ve znamení touhy - Knihkupectví Neoluxor . https://plus.google.com/102630300708218071304 ( neoluxor.cz [accessed on May 13, 2018]).
  11. V dobrom aj v zlom a ešte v horšom - Skutočné príbehy - Beletria - Knihy | Panta Rhei. Retrieved May 13, 2018 (Slovak).
  12. [2] (SLSP, 2015)
  13. http://sdetmi.com/podujatia/detail/15254/tamara-heribanova-vo-vranovskej-kniznici/
  14. http://www.hnkpd.sk/aktuality/tamara-heribanova-opat.html?page_id=4434
  15. http://www.kniznicatrnava.sk/sk/fotogaleria/den-s-tamarou-heribanovou-12-12-2014/
  16. [3]
  17. https://zena.pravda.sk/krasa-a-moda/clanok/444470-krasu-slovenskych-krojov-zachyti-vystava-nazrite-s-nami-do-nej/
  18. http://www.zivot.sk/clanok/550288/tamara-simoncikova-heribanova-slovenske-kroje-su-v-celosvetovom-meradle-absolutne-vynimocne
  19. http://slovenka.zenskyweb.sk/clanok/38520-tamara-simoncikova-heribanova-vystavuje-sukromnu-zbierku-krojov