Tamaya Technics

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Tamaya Technics Inc. ( Japanese タ マ ヤ 計 測 シ ス テ ム 株式会社 Tamaya keisoku shisutemu kabushiki kaisha ) is a Japanese manufacturer of optical devices and measuring instruments. Its headquarters are in the Shinagawa district of Tokyo Prefecture .


In 1675 a Japanese named Tamaya Tozaemon started an optical lenses and eyeglass business. The name of the shop was Tamaya Megane-Ten. During the Meiji period (1868-1912), in 1901, Tamaya Megane-Ten was renamed Tamaya Shōten and a company was founded. Tamaya Shōten was the first Japanese company to import and sell optical surveying equipment from overseas to Japan. Tamaya Shōten was also the first company in Japan to produce surveying equipment itself. In 1894 Tamaya Shōten patented the first optical length measuring device.

During the Taishō period , Tamaya Shōten produced its own optical surveying equipment in Japan despite competing imports from abroad. Theodolites were produced and, from 1922, the first sextants in Japan. As you can see, Tamaya was a pioneer in optical surveying devices and sextants in Japan. Today, Tamaya specializes in the manufacture, sale and export of optical surveying devices, drawing devices, weather equipment, optical instruments, measuring devices and navigation devices.

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