Dance leader training

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Dance leader training have the qualification part-time team leader in the different segments of the folk dance to the goal. The certified dance leaders should be able to perform their duties in extracurricular educational work with a good theoretical, practical and educational foundation . As a rule, it is part-time training with a duration of around 2 - 3 years.


Most dance instructor training courses are offered by the state dance working groups of the individual federal states.

The training of the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Tanz Hessen is a special form that is offered in cooperation with the Academy Burg Fürsteneck . It is an additive course system that allows the participants a high degree of their own content and timing within certain content- related and organizational frameworks.

Another special form is the four-stage dance education training of the German Federal Dance Association (DBT) as part-time training for the amateur sector.

The Federal Association for Senior Dance offers internal training to become a senior dance leader.

See also

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