Tartan (surface covering)

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Tartan , originally a brand name of the 3M company , is a plastic that is used as a floor covering e.g. B. is used for plastic sheets. It consists of around 50% polyisocyanates and around 50% fillers and dyes. It is applied in liquid form to a thickness of around twelve millimeters on a solid base ( concrete or asphalt ) and is both elastic and weather and aging resistant.

Older coverings contain the toxic heavy metal mercury in concentrations of several hundred ppm ( mg per kg ) and must therefore be disposed of as special waste.


The surface is mainly used on athletics tracks. But there are also sports fields (mostly unprofessional) that are covered with this surface.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Information bulletin "Environment Aargau" (No. 1 / January 1998)