Pigeon fanciers association

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A pigeon fanciers association consists of at least seven people who breed pigeons ( pigeon fanciers ). Depending on the specialty, a distinction is made between pigeon breeding associations and carrier pigeon breeding associations .

Goal setting, tasks

Due to the organizational structure of the association as well as the supraregional merger with other associations, joint events are organized. While pigeon fancier associations tend to organize flight competitions, pedigree pigeon fanciers associations are mainly about exhibitions. For both, so-called pigeon markets are also important as buying, selling and swap exchanges as well as forums for exchanging experiences.

Pigeon fancier clubs in Germany

Pigeons breed clubs in Germany are usually in the Association of German racial pigeon breeders organized, while the umbrella organization of pigeon breeding clubs of the Association of German pigeon fancier is.

Pigeon fanciers clubs in the USA

In the second half of the 19th century, carrier pigeons were also introduced to the USA , and pigeon fanciers' clubs were founded there soon after. In 1881, on the occasion of a competition in Philadelphia , the Atlantic Federation of Homing Pigeon Societies (AFHPS) was founded as an amalgamation of the associations present who came from the region . Just two years later, it renamed itself so that it could capture the top performances of award-winning birds with nationwide attention as The Federation of Homing Pigeon Fanciers of America . This set up neutral committees to monitor competitions and standardized the system of marking for the pigeons.

After the League of American Homing Clubs was founded in 1891 , which did not allow individual members, it was merged with the AFHPS in 1893 to form the National Federation of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers , which soon after became a public company . The former secretary of the AFPHS, founded a rival organization, the National Association of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers (NAAHPF). In 1909 the Federation had 833 members and the Association 1,053. That year the two organizations were reunited to form what is now the American Racing Pigeon Union (ARPU).

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