Te slăvim, Românie

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Te slăvim, Românie
Title in German We praise you, Romania
country RomaniaRomania Romania
Usage period 1953-1977
text Eugen Frunză and Dan Deșliu
melody Matei Socor
Sheet of music JPG
Audio files MIDI

Te slăvim, Românie ( German  you we boast, Romania ) was the national anthem of the People's Republic and the Socialist Republic of Romania from 1953 to 1977 . The verses were written by Eugen Frunză and Dan Deșliu . The music is by Matei Socor .


The anthem replaced the previously used provisional national anthem Zdrobite cătușe . From the late 1960s, the second stanza of Te slăvim, Românie , which emphasizes friendship with the Soviet Union and Leninism , was no longer sung. Three years after Nicolae Ceaușescu took over the office of President , Trei culori became the national anthem.


original German translation

Te slăvim, Românie, pământ părintesc,
Mândre plaiuri sub cerul tău paşnic rodesc.
E zdrobit al trecutului jug blestemat,
Nu zadarnic străbunii eroi au luptat,
Astăzi noi împlinim visul lor minunat.

We praise you, Romania, fatherly earth.
Proud slopes under your peaceful sky are fertile.
It's destroyed the damn yoke of the past.
The heroic ancestors did not fight in vain.
Today we are fulfilling her wonderful dream.


Puternică, liberă,
Pe soartă stăpână,
Trăiască Republica Populară Română! (2 ×)


Strong, free,
Lord of Fate,
Long live the People's Republic of Romania! (2 ×)

Infrățit fi-va veșnic al nostru popor
Cu poporul sovietic eliberator.
Leninismul ni-e far, și tărie și-avânt,
Noi urmăm cu credință Partidul ne'nfrânt,
Făurim socialismul pe-al țării pământ.

Our people will be forever fraternized
with the Soviet people, the liberators.
Leninism is our lighthouse, strength and momentum.
We follow the invincible party with faith.
We create socialism on the earth of the country.

Refren refrain

Noi uzine clădim, rodul holdei sporim,
Vrem în pace cu orice popor să trăim.
Dar dușmanii de-ar fi să ne calce în prag,
Ii vom frânge în numele-a tot ce ni-e drag.
Inălta-vom spre glorie al Patriei steag.

We build factories, we increase the yield of the field.
We want to live in peace with every people.
But the enemies, when they step on our threshold,
we will break them in the name of all that is dear to us.
We shall hoist the flag of the fatherland in honor.

Refren refrain

Individual evidence

  1. Romania 1953-1977 - nationalanthems.info