Trei culori

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Trei culori
Title in German Three colours
country RomaniaRomania Romania
Usage period 1977-1990
melody Ciprian Porumbescu
Sheet of music JPG
Audio files OGG , MIDI ( Memento from August 12, 2012 in the Internet Archive )

Trei culori ( German  three colors ) was the national anthem of the socialist Republic of Romania from 1977 . It replaced Te slăvim, Românie and was replaced by Deșteaptă-te, române! Shortly after the 1989 revolution . replaced.


The national anthem is based on a Romanian patriotic song with the same title and sung with the same melody (composed by Ciprian Porumbescu ). The text has been changed slightly.

In order for the hymn, which on October 28, 1977, according to the Romanian government decision, to reproduce both the defense and the peaceful politics of the country, the sixth stanza, the penultimate one, was inserted three weeks later.

The title refers to the national flag of Romania , which is a tricolor , a flag with three evenly spaced colors: red, yellow and blue. This has hardly changed in the course of history. Only the distribution of the colors (proportions and position) have varied. The tricolor was used based on the French Revolution after the unsuccessful Romanian Revolution of 1848 , as in some other European countries .

Text of the former national anthem

original German translation

Trei culori cunosc pe lume,
Amintind de-un brav popor,
Ce-i viteaz, cu vechi renume,
În luptă triumfător.

Multe secole luptară
Străbunii noștri eroi,
Să trăim stăpîni în țară,
Ziditori ai lumii noi.

Roșu, galben și albastru
Este-al nostru tricolor.
Se inalță ca un astru
Gloriosul meu popor.

Suntem un popor în lume
Strâns unit și muncitor,
Liber, cu un nou renume
Și un țel cutezător.

Azi partidul ne unește
Și pe plaiul românesc
Socialismul se clădește,
Prin elan muncitoresc.

Pentru-a patriei onoare,
Vrăjmașii-n luptă-i zdrobim.
Cu old neamuri sub soare,
Demn, în pace, să trăim.

Iar tu, Românie mîndră,
Tot mereu să dăinuieşti
Și în comunista eră
Ca o stea să străluceşti.

I know three colors on earth that
remind of a courageous people.
It is brave, with an ancient reputation,
and victorious in battle.

For many centuries
our heroic ancestors fought so
that we might live as rulers in our land,
as creators of the new world.

Our tricolor is red, yellow and blue . My glorious people
rise like a star

We are one people in the world
sticking together and busy,
free, with a new reputation,
and an ambitious goal.

Today the party unites us
and in the Romanian territory
socialism is born
through hard work.

For the honor of the fatherland
, we destroy the enemy in battle. We want to live proudly, in peace,
under the sun with other peoples

And you, proud Romania,
should prosper forever
shine like a star in the communist era .

Original text

The basis for the national anthem was a patriotic song whose melody was composed by Ciprian Porumbescu. It was part of a song collection, a kind of Kommersbuch , which was self- published for the first time in Vienna in 1880 . Porumbescu dedicated this song collection to Romanian students and the Chernivtsi student union Junimea .

original German translation

Trei culori cunosc pe lume
Ce le țin de-un sânt odor,
Sunt culori de-un vechi renume
Suveniri de-un brav popor.

Roșu-i focul ce-mi străbate
Inima-mi plină de dor
Pentru sânta libertate
Și al patriei amor.

Auriu ca mândrul soare
Fi-va'l nostru viitor.
Pururea'n eternă floare
Și cu luci netrecător.

Iar albastrul e credința
pentru nație ce-oi nutrim
Credincioși fără schimbare
Pân 'la moarte o să-i fim.

Pân 'pe cer și cât în ​​lume
Vor fi aste trei culori
Vom avea un falnic nume
Și un falnic viitor.

Iar când, fraților, m'oi duce
De la voi ș'oi fi să mor
Pe mormânt, atunci să-mi puneți
Mândrul nostru tricolor.

I know three colors on earth.
I keep you like a sacred amulet.
They are colors of an old reputation,
reminiscent of a courageous people.

Red is the fire that
penetrates my heart, which longs for
holy freedom
and love for the fatherland.

Gold like the glorious sun
will be our future.
Always in bloom
and with an everlasting shine.

And the blue is loyalty
to the nation we cherish.
Faithful to her, without wavering,
we will be until death.

As long as there are these three colors reaching
to heaven in the world
, we will have a great name
and a great future.

And, brothers, when I leave you
and when I should be dead.
Then you should
lay our proud flag in the three colors on my grave .

Alternative version

The version of the national anthem shown below appears to be very widespread in both the print media and the Internet. It differs noticeably from the official version of the anthem as well as from Porumbescu's original lyrics. The origin of this version is unclear.

original German translation

Trei culori cunosc pe lume
Ce le țin ca sfânt odor,
Sunt culori de-un vechi renume
Amintind de-un brav popor.

Cât pe cer și cât pe lume,
Vor fi aste trei culori,
Vom avea un falnic nume,
Și un falnic viitor.

Roșu-i focul vitejiei,
Jertfele ce-n veci nu pier
Galben, aurul câmpiei,
Și-albastru-al nostru cer.

Multe secole luptară
Bravi și ne-nfricați eroi
Liberi să trăim în țară
Ziditori ai lumii noi.

Iar când fraților m-oi duce
De la voi și-o fi să mor
Pe mormânt atunci să-mi puneți
Mândrul nostru tricolor.

I know three colors on earth.
I keep you like a sacred amulet.
They are colors of an old reputation,
reminiscent of a courageous people.

These three colors will be up to heaven and as far as the world extends .
We will have a great name
and a great future.

Red is the fire of bravery,
the sacrifices that will not perish in centuries.
Yellow, the gold of the field
and blue our sky.

Many centuries have fought
brave and fearless heroes.
We should be free in the land,
creators of a new world.

But, brothers, if I leave you
and if I should be dead.
Then you should put
our proud flag in the three colors on the grave .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Romanian government resolution 33 of October 28, 1977 accessed on May 3, 2015 (Romanian)
  2. ^ Romanian government resolution 420 on November 17, 1977 accessed on May 3, 2015 (Romanian)
  3. ^ Paul Leu: Ciprian Porumbescu . 1978, LCCN  78-395905 , pp. 87 ( second verse in Google book search).
  4. Ciprian Porumbescu Golembiovschi-: Colecţiune de cântece sociale pentru studenţii Romani , self-published, Vienna, 1880th
  5. Ciprian Porumbescu - Trei culori at accessed on May 3, 2015 (Romanian)