Technical rules for the use of fall-proof glazing

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The technical rules for the use of fall-proof glazing ( TRAV ) are published by the German Institute for Building Technology in Berlin. They were published in 2003 and have since been replaced by DIN 18008-4.


The building material glass is a hard material that breaks brittle when overstrained and is particularly sensitive to punctiform impulses. In the event of failure, the component may lose its function completely. Tension and previous damage such as scratches or nicks often go unnoticed; in the event of failure, there may be a significant risk of splinters.

In addition, for a long time there were no generally reliable and recognized calculation methods. As a result, the building material glass was only approved by the building supervisory authorities in exceptional cases for statically stressed components or safety-relevant facilities such as parapets, stairs, etc. As a rule, approval was therefore carried out on a case-by-case basis, in which the construction was tested with a multiple of the actually occurring load.

Since this process is time-consuming and costly and also involves great planning uncertainty, glass was rarely used as a load-bearing element. With the publication of the TRAV, tested design variants were presented and minimum standards were defined. Fall-proof glazing that is implemented in accordance with the rules of the TRAV is classified as safe. These technical rules are limited to basically proven applications.

The regulations of the TRAV at a glance

  1. scope
  2. Building products
  3. Conditions of use
  4. Actions
  5. Proof of the load-bearing capacity under static effects
  6. Proof of the load-bearing capacity under impacts


A. Relevant areas of impact
B. Constructive specifications for category B parapets exempted from tests
C. Voltage values ​​for the simplified mathematical proof of shock resistance according to Section 6.4
D. Permissible deviations from the rectangular shape for glazing exposed from impact tests
E. Notes on determining the voltage values ​​in Appendix C (informative)

Content-related proximity to the TRLV

The TRLV ( " T For technical R leeches for using l inienförmigen V erglasungen") issued by the German Institute for Building Technology in Berlin. They define rules for linear glazing that also apply independently of the TRAV. The TRAV often refer to the TRLV and cannot be used meaningfully without the TRLV.

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