Telematic Society

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As Telematic company called Vilém Flusser its positive utopia of a possible future society which he made the findings of his Kommunikologie derived; it is an alternative to the contemporary, rather pessimistic media theories and media criticism of Jean Baudrillard , Paul Virilio etc.

Flusser assumes that every society consists of an interplay of dialogues and discourses ; The dialogic form of communication generates information, the discursive form of communication disseminates information.

Basically, three forms of society can be derived from this assumption:

  1. The previous ideal society in which dialogues and discourses are in balance.
  2. The authoritarian society in which the discourses dominate. The lack of dialogues leads to a lack of information. Discourses are no longer fed with information through dialogues.
  3. The future and revolutionary society in which dialogues predominate, which constantly generate information. Due to the resulting flood of information , the old discourses are breaking up. Accordingly, there are no authorities in the telematic society. Due to its networked structure, it is completely opaque and controls itself cybernetic. Telematics is also seen by him as a “cosmic brain”.

See also


  • 1998: Communicology. Frankfurt am Main . ISBN 3596133890
  • 1997: media culture. Frankfurt am Main . ISBN 3596133866
  • 1990: Into the universe of technical images . Goettingen
  • 1983: For a philosophy of photography . Goettingen