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A telestichon (from Greek τέλος télos , German 'end' and Greek στίχος stíchos , German 'verse, line' ) is a text, for example a poem, in which the end letters of the lines read from top to bottom a word or the end words combine Sentence result.

The telestichon, like the acrostichon , the mesostichon and the acroteleuton , belongs to the cryptograms , i.e. secret texts, as well as to the rhetorical figure category . It is used, among other things, as a form of steganography , i.e. the encryption of messages by embedding them in other contexts. In poetry it is found in praise poems or as a dedication.


Two examples in poems by Josef Mahlmeister (from Kunterbunte Gedichte , 1985)

Ode to my cat

Whether you are now star k
mackerel, umbr a
gray, white or black to t
are you a darling, a cheeky frat z
You'll stay unmistakable Katz e
Your will, so the star k
and is firm, is always d a
No traps will you ever har t
because every so nimble Sat z
is done carefully, by you, the cat e

Autumn riddle

They shine in red, green and yellow b
You also fly without any flights l
They are as asleep, simply d a
They are chestnut to Wieg e
They dance their ballet t in the wind
They are of us do geplätte t
Beautify some all e
We just call them: the… r

Web links

Wiktionary: Telestichon  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations