Terra Mater (film series)

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Television broadcast
Original title Terra Mater
Country of production AustriaAustria Austria
Year (s) since 2011
length 45 minutes
Wednesdays at 8:15 p.m.
genre Documentation in full HD
production Walter Koehler
First broadcast April 6, 2011 on ServusTV

Terra Mater ( spelling TERRA MATER ) is a series of films on the subjects of nature, science and history. It has been shown on the Red Bull channel ServusTV since April 6, 2011 . Responsible for the documentary series is the previous head of the ORF series Universum , Walter Köhler, who left the public broadcaster in autumn 2010 and founded the production company TERRA MATER Factual Studios with his team .


The first broadcast in German-speaking countries started with the eight-part BBC series “Human Planet - Planet der Menschen”. With the means of nature film, director Brian Leith showed the reality of people's lives.

Print magazine

Initially, the magazine was published in the newsagents to match the Terra Mater series , but is now independent of the series.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Terra Mater" starts in Servus TV. In: derStandard.at. March 31, 2011, accessed December 19, 2017 .
  2. http://www.servustv.biz/der-sender/news/news-detail/date/2011/02/15/neustart-terra-mater.html