The Alliance for Arab Women

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The Alliance for Arab Women (AAW), Arabic رابطة المرأة العربية, DMG Rābiṭat al-marʾa al-ʿarabiyya - is an Egyptian non-governmental organization (NGO) that works on a voluntary basis. The AAW acts as the umbrella organization of a network of NGOs in Egypt and the Arab region and strives to guarantee the basic human rights of Arab women through political influence, service and training offers. The general assembly of the AAW comprises 100 members of both sexes as well as various Arab states.

Since 1996 the AAW has had consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). For the fourth UN World Conference on Women in Beijing (1995) the AAW was selected to coordinate the participation and contributions of the Arab NGOs. In 2000 she also presented a position paper by the Arab NGOs to the UN General Assembly .

The AAW secretariat is located in Cairo . In addition, the AAW has several branches in governorates of Upper and Lower Egypt.


The AAW was founded in 1987 by Dr. Hoda Badran , an Egyptian women's rights activist . The AAW has been an NGO registered with the Egyptian Ministry of Social Affairs since the same year (according to Law No. 154) and was re-registered there in 2000 (according to Law No. 184).

Vision and mission

The association works to improve the active and equal participation of women within their community and to strengthen the role of women in society.

In cooperation with various social actors, u. a. Trade unions, universities and the press want the AAW to raise public awareness of women's rights . In order to improve the present and future situation of Egyptian women, the AAW strives to achieve the following goals:

  • Promotion of programs and offers according to the actual needs of Arab women, especially those from disadvantaged groups
  • Implementation of training programs to improve the social and economic status of women and to enable them to deal effectively with various institutions
  • Organizing events to promote dialogue between all those involved in the area of ​​women's rights and to raise awareness of gender issues in the Arab world
  • Disseminating knowledge and skills as well as providing an impetus for changing attitudes towards behavioral patterns in Arab families
  • Promotion of relationships with various organizations and institutions, maintenance and expansion of a network in the area of ​​gender issues and women's rights


Since it was founded in 1987, the AAW has initiated and carried out over 70 projects in the areas of women's and human rights throughout Egypt. The aim of the projects is to improve the living conditions not only of Egyptian women, but of all citizens, which is why a large number of social groups, aspects and regions are addressed or covered by the projects.

The priority areas of the AAW include poverty, health, political participation, education, reducing violence and women in leadership positions.

In addition, the organization carries out projects on topics such as entrepreneurship and employment, the environment, art and culture, as well as helping local NGOs to help themselves.

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