The Britons

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The Britons was an anti-Semitic and anti-immigration British organization founded in July 1919 by Henry Hamilton Beamish . This organization distributed literature and magazines with religious, economic, political and radical anti-Semitic content.


The Britons was founded as an organization in London in 1919 by Beamish, who had developed into an anti-Semite through his stay in South Africa and was active in the Silver Badge Party , an organization of decorated British post-war soldiers. After leaving Britain in 1919 before a trial, The Britons were run by John Henry Clarke until his death in 1931. The Britons wanted to deport all Jews from Great Britain except those who could prove grandparents were of British descent. In particular, Beamish and Arnold Leese from the British Imperial Fascist League pleaded for deportation according to the Madagascar Plan to Madagascar , others to Palestine.

This movement published magazines through publishers such as the Judaic Publishing Company and the Britons Publishing Company of Beamish such as Jewry Ueber Alles (1920) (later Hidden Hand ), The British Guardian and The Investigator , (1937) which used the swastika as an emblem and statements like For Crown and Country (German: Für Krone und Land ), Blood and soil (German: Blut und Boden ) used. In 1932 the publisher was separated from the Britons Publishing Company and The Britons . Anti-Semitic books such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion have been published . In 1922, The Britons published a treatise with caricatures on the Jewish origins of leading Bolsheviks such as Lenin , Karl Radek and others under the title Jewis bolshewism .


  • Magnus Brechtken : Madagascar for the Jews: Anti-Semitic Idea and Political Practice 1885–1945 . Studies in contemporary history. 2nd Edition. Oldenbourg, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-486-563-84-X ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  • Sharman Kadish: Bolsheviks and British Jews. The Anglo-Jewish Community. Britain and the Russian Revolution . Frank Cass, London 1992, ISBN 0-7146-3371-2 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Gisela C. Lebzelter: Political Anti-Semitism in England 1918-1939 . Holmes & Meier Publishers, New York 1978, ISBN 084190426X .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kadish: Bolsheviks , p. 38 (see literature)
  2. Brechtken: Madagascar , p. 34, footnote 16 (see literature)
  3. Kadish: Bolsheviks , p. 42 (see literature)