The Crystal Shard

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The 1988 novel The Crystal Shard is the first part of the Icewind Dale Triology written by RA Salvatore . The trilogy tells the story of the origins of the friendship between the dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden and the dwarf Bruenor Heldenhammer and his "adopted children" Cattie-Brie, Wulfgar, a powerful barbarian , and the halfling Regis. In the German translation, the book was split into two parts: The cracked crystal and the entwined paths.



The evil artifact Creshinibon has devoured its exhausters - seven undead magicians - and thereby hurled its owner - the demon Errtu - back into the Abyss. There he waits, knowing that it could take centuries before the artifact is back in his possession. Meanwhile, Creshinibon is hurled into the northern mountain region of Faerun and waits there trapped in snow and ice for thousands of years ...

Part 1

Bryan Shander visits a caravan of wizards in search of rare magic components. Eldeluc, Dendybar, Morkai the Red and his apprentice Akar Kessel belong to this caravan. Instigated with the promise of power by Eldeluc and Dendybar, Akar Kessel kills Morkai from behind. But for Eldeluc and Dendybar, Akar Kessel was only a means to an end. After hiding Morkai's body, they strike Akar down in the freezing wilderness and leave him there. Looking for refuge and near death by freezing, Akar suddenly finds a source of heat - Creshinibon. Creshinibon quickly has the weak spirit of Akar under control and lets him create a crystal tower - a large image of Creshinibon.

Meanwhile, the various barbarian tribes of the Icewind Valley are gathering to destroy ten cities under the leadership of Heafstaag and the Elche tribe. The barbarians' preparations for war are not hidden from Drizzt, who informs Bruenor of this. Both come to the conclusion that Regis with his magical ruby ​​should ensure that ten cities face the danger together, which he ultimately succeeds in doing. A bloody battle ensues, in the course of which Bruenor defeats the young barbarian Wulfgar. When he is later discovered alive, Bruenor takes him into his care. For the next 5 years he continued to grow in the halls of Mithral Hall.

Bruenor forges the mighty throwing hammer Aegis-Fang

The past few years have also paid off for Akar Kessel: with the help of the artifact, he has brought hordes of monsters from the ridge of the world under his command. During this time, Errtu was able to enter the Forgotten Realms when summoned by a weak magician and go in search of Creshinibon. When Errtu has tracked down Akar Kessel and the artifact, he does not succeed in snatching it from Akar. Akar then offers Errtu to attend the campaign of conquest of Akar Kessel and his army at his side, whereupon the latter agrees.

Part 2

Bruenor gives Wulfgar his creation, Aegis-Fang, as a parting present, before he wants to release him after 5 years of service. But before that, Wulfgar is still an apprentice at Drizzt in order to train how to handle Aegis-Fang.

With the help of the power of the artifact, Akar Kessel also subjugates the barbarian tribes of the Icewind Valley. Akar Kessel sends his first scouts, but they do not obey orders and kill some dwarfs who are on patrol. The dwarf corpses are discovered by Drizzt and Wulfgar. Wulfgar and Drizzt take down the outpost, while Bruenor and some of his warriors destroy the reinforcements provided for the outpost. With the help of Regis' magical ruby, a prisoner tells them about Akar Kessel's plans. They decide they must warn the Ten Cities Council so that they can face the danger together. But no consensus can be reached in the Council. Some of the cities do not want to believe in the existence of the danger and refuse to ally with the others.

Bruenor then wants to seal the mines of the dwarves. However, Drizzt decides to stay on the surface and do everything in his power for the residents of Ten Cities. Wulfgar also decides against staying in the mines. He wants to pay off a debt, which makes Drizzt curious. He secretly follows Wulfgar. Wulfgar wants to conquer the treasure of the dragon Icingdeath. His father Beorngar was denied this and after his death Wulgar had made an oath to conquer this treasure. So Wulfgar sets off to Reghed Glacier and attacks the sleeping beast in its cave. Wulfgar quickly falls behind and is close to death when Drizzt appears and stands by him. Together they manage to defeat the dragon. As a reward, Drizzt takes the Icing-Death sword from the treasure. The two comrades then part ways. Wulfgar is drawn to his people.

part 3

Once there, he challenges the leader Heafstaag and defeats him.

When Drizzt returns, he realizes that he is already late. The battle for ten cities has already begun. The inhabitants of the attacked small villages managed to escape to the capital, Bryan Shander. But the hordes of Akar Kessel besiege the city and Akar himself finally demands the surrender of ten cities within one day. As Drizzt observes the scene, he also discovers the demon and remembers that he once served his people. Knowing his real name - Errtu - Drizzt summons the demon for information. Errtu Drizzt quickly sees through and a fight begins. Only with the help of the new scimitar is Drizzt able to defeat Errtu and ban him from ... But he vows to return in 100 years.

In the meantime, Regis has sent ten cities as emissaries to Akar Kessel. He should negotiate a surrender with Akar Kessel with the help of his magical ruby. With the help of Creshnibon, Akar sees through the power of the ruby ​​immediately and tries to bring Regis under his control. But the natural resistance to magic helps Regis not to fall under Akar's spell, which Akar does not notice. Regis spreads the rumor that one of the orc tribes is cooperating with Ten Cities and helping the locals escape. Akar, blind with rage, has the orc tribe destroyed.

Drizzt finally arrives at the magic tower. With the help of Gyenhwyvar he finds the magic door and enters the tower. It quickly fought its way to Akar Kessel. As he storms towards Drizzt, Regis trips him up. This brief diversion takes advantage of Drizzt and destroys the piece of crystal that holds the tower up.

Meanwhile, the dwarves of the Heldenhammer clan launch a surprise attack on the Akar minions. After the first attack is over, the barbarians also join the fight for their new king Wulfgar. When the news that the tower has collapsed reaches Ten Cities, Bryan Shander's riders decide to support their barbaric and dwarven friends. The orc hordes panic and flee.

While the tower collapses there is a final battle between Drizzt and Akar Kessel. When Drizzt tries to strike the decisive blow, both disappear surprisingly from Regis' field of vision. With the power of Creshnibon, Akar transported himself and Drizzt to Kelvin's Cairn. Sure of victory, Akar fires a magical blow at Drizzt. But Drizzt can evade and the shock triggers an avalanche. Drizzt escapes at the last moment, but Akar Kessel and the crystal Creshnibon are buried under the masses of snow.

Citizens of Ten Cities think Regis destroyed the tower and celebrate it as a hero. Drizzt lets her believe. Reconstruction begins for ten cities. Wulfgar is admitted to the Council of Ten Cities as representative of the barbarians. Bruenor plays the dying dwarf to get Drizzt to promise to find Mithral Hall in the spring. In the spring, Wulfgar - who gives up his seat to the older Revjak -, Drizzt and Bruenor finally set out. Surprisingly, Regis also comes to the three and wants to accompany them on their search. He had discovered Artemis Entreri - the most dangerous assassin of Pasha Pook - in the crowd in front of his new house and decided that he would be safer with his three powerful friends. Some time ago Regis had stolen the magic ruby ​​from Pasha Pook.
