The Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd.

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The Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd. ( EXTEL ) was a news agency for stock market and business news with a subscription system that was founded in March 1872.

EXTEL set up tickers, telegraph receivers in offices, gentlemen's clubs and banks . She delivered ticker reports. In 1876, EXTEL introduced reporting from parliament. General coverage began in 1879 and legislation began in 1891. The business was successful and in 1906 branches were opened outside London. The business grew and became more effective. There was faster financial reporting from 1907. Since 1913 there was global reporting. From the 1930s there was a special sports section.

In English, the Daniell element , which had an anode in the shape of a crow's foot and served as a UPS in the EXTEL ticker telegraph , was also called the Exchange Telegraph Cell .