Theater of Eros

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The Theater des Eros was a theater ensemble that existed in Berlin during the Weimar Republic .

In 1919 after the First World War, the Theater des Eros was founded , which was initially a private reading group in Berlin. The first rehearsals took place in the work room of Magnus Hirschfeld's institute . After several moves, the private theater group was able to perform its first play in public in July 1921. It was a stage adaptation of the novel Die Infamen , which Guido Hermann Eckardt had published in 1906 under the pseudonym Fritz Geron Pernauhm . The performances of the theater group took place in the city theater of Berlin- Moabit . The theater productions were advertised positively in the magazine “ Die Freund”. By 1923 the theater company had staged 17 plays with homosexual themes on the stage in Moabit.

In 1923 the theater company got into financial difficulties. Financial rescue came from the Berlin publicist and LGBT activist Friedrich Radszuweit . Since Radszuweit tried in the following time to interfere artistically in the interests of the theater group, there were disagreements. The actors then separated from Radszuweit, who therefore withdrew their funds, and founded their own theater group with new actors under the name Theater des Eros . Since the previous theater ensemble was unable to find ways to finance their group, the original ensemble disbanded.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Robert Beachy : The other Berlin: The "invention" of homosexuality