Therapeutic Alliance

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The Therapeutic Alliance (alliance from French alliance to Old French: aleier , to connect yourself) describes the connection / agreement between the practitioner and the patient within the “therapeutic working alliance ” in psychotherapy.


The quality of the therapeutic alliance is directly dependent on the degree of agreement between therapist and patient and relates to the goals and necessity of the therapy. (Bordin 1979 / quoted in Schreiber and Pfaff 2003)

Aspects of the Therapeutic Alliance

Therapeutic alliance is a variable of the personality of therapist and patient and describes interaction and communication between the two.

Therapist and patient are able to work together in pursuing the therapy goal. There is extensive agreement in the definition of the desired therapy goal and the cooperation is based on a realistic basis with mutual respect, commitment and trust. The establishment of the Therapeutic Alliance is a prerequisite for the success of a therapy. (Foreman and Marmar 1985 / quoted in Schreiber and Pfaff 2003)

From a developmental point of view, the concept borrows from psychoanalysis and is closely related to transference . The Therapeutic Alliance has different status in the various therapeutic directions. Typical processes of Allianz can be found across the board in the various therapeutic settings.

See also


  • Fülöp Scheibler u. Holger Pfaff: Shared Decision-Making: The patient as a partner in the human decision-making process . 1st edition. Juventa, 2003, ISBN 3-7799-1665-7 , pp. 184 .
  • Uwe Hentschel: The Therapeutic Alliance . In: Psychotherapist . No. 6 . Springer, 2005, p. 305-317 .