Thoas (son of Icarius)

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Thoas ( Greek  Θόας ) is a person from Greek mythology .

In the library of Apollodorus he is a son of Ikarios and Periboia , the brother of Penelope and Damasippus , Imeusimos , Aletes and Perilaos .

Various assumptions have been made about the appearance of a Thoas among the brothers of Penelope in the library . While on the one hand a mix-up with the son of Dionysus Thoas or with the suitor of the same name of Penelope was considered, on the other hand the derivation of the suitor from the brother of Penelope seems possible.



  1. Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 10, 6.
  2. Otto Immisch: Thoas 4 . In: Extensive encyclopedia of Greek and Roman mythology .