Thomas Berbner

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Thomas Berbner (* 1965 in Heppenheim ) is a German television journalist and documentary filmmaker.

Berbner studied history, political science and German in Heidelberg. In 1991 he worked as a trainee at NDR and from 1997 to 2001 he was deputy editor-in-chief at the television magazine Panorama . From 2001 he worked for the NDR's foreign editorial team in the feature and documentation area. On June 1, 2003 he became a correspondent at the ARD studio in Washington. For the ARD he shot some highly acclaimed documentaries about internal American conditions.

Berbner caused a sensation with the documentary With God Against Darwin - Dispute in the USA about the descent of humans . The film shows how children in the US school system are indoctrinated early on against science and the theory of evolution by teachers who belong to Christian fundamentalism .


  • 2004: World Travel - Under the Ghostly Heaven of Alaska
  • 2004: The Bushs - An American Dynasty
  • 2005: With God against Darwin - dispute in the USA over the descent of humans
  • 2006: Road of Happiness - The Pacific Highway
  • 2010: Alaska's Volcanic Islands - The Aleutian Islands
  • 2014: Burning taps: How dangerous is fracking? (Panorama broadcast from September 4, 2014)
  • 2018: The Diesel Disaster (Exclusive to the 1st of January 7, 2019)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Berbner & Torben Börgers: Exclusively in the first: The diesel disaster. In: ARD Mediathek. Norddeutscher Rundfunk, January 7, 2019, accessed on January 11, 2019 (German): "Wouldn't it be high time for an honest discussion about the advantages and the actual risks of diesel technology?"