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Coin with Isis on the lapel
Coin with an owl on the lapel

Thynnaros ( Greek  Θύνναρος ) is in Greek mythology the founding hero of the Phrygian city Synnada , whose name can only be found on coins . It is not passed down in literary documents.

Thynnaros can be identified on two coins by the legend ΘΥΝΝΑΡΟΣ, a third coin assigned to him has no inscription and is more likely to be assigned to Heracles . All three coins date from the period between the 1st and 3rd centuries AD and are quasi-autonomous coins , i.e. coins of little value, since they do not refer to the Roman emperor either through the coin image or the legend. He is depicted with long hair and a beard, on one of the coins he wears a taenia . The reverse of one of the coins shows the goddess Isis , the other an owl sitting on an amphora.

In addition to Thynnaros, there are also images of Akamas on coins from Synnada, the type of both depictions indicates founding heroes. Since other poleis in the myth can also be traced back to two founders, there is no contradiction in this. An inscription was found in Synnada, in which Thynaridai is mentioned, whether it is a reference to a cult of Thynnaros is unclear. In the acceptance of a cult community of this name, Thynnaros was also interpreted as a deity.
