Time Squad

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Time Squad is a German science fiction - Series of Peter Terrid that in 21 booklets between 1977 and August 1985 in the series of booklets Terra Astra in Moewig publisher Arthur appeared. With the end of Terra Astra, Time Squad was also discontinued, despite unresolved issues.

The author planned to continue the series in 1998 in order to complete it in terms of content. However, due to his sudden death, this was never realized.

The protagonists of the series are agents of the temporary police, who fight the opponents of humanity at different times and in different places and prevent changes in the timeline.

The protagonists are:

  • Demeter Carol Washington, head of the Time Squad
  • Tivar Bistarc
  • Anastasius Immekeppel, called Inky
  • Charriba White Cloud, called Winnetou
  • Joshua Slocum

Requirements / manifestations

Time Squad was published in the form of the so-called booklet novels . It is fully available in electronic form ( PDF ).


  1. Terra Astra Issue No. 419
  2. readersplanet