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Tipkenhoog, Keitum

Coordinates: 54 ° 53 '27.8 "  N , 8 ° 22' 55.4"  O The Tipkenhoog is a grave hill in the immediate vicinity of the Harhoogs in Keitum on Sylt located.

According to legend, the hill is said to have been the grave of the guardian of the Sylt Kämpen (fighting giants). The giant fell in battle with Danish invaders and was buried in the Tipkenhoog. According to tradition, there was a watchtower of the giant there. Research excavations at Tipkenhoog from August 15 to 18, 1870 by H. Hamelmann remained without significant findings. In the summer of 1940 the hill served as an observation post for naval flak. In April 1982 the restoration was carried out by the Lions Club Sylt and the State Office for Prehistory and Early History Schleswig-Holstein .

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