Tits alternative

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In the mathematical fields of group theory and linear algebra , the Tits alternative describes a property of matrix groups , namely either to be almost resolvable or to contain a non-Abelian free subgroup. It is named after the Belgian-French mathematician Jacques Tits .

Tits alternative

Let it be an arbitrary field and the general linear group , i. H. the group of invertible matrices with entries from the body .

Then exactly one of the following two alternatives applies to each finitely generated subgroup :

  • is almost dissolvable , d. H. it contains a resolvable subgroup of finite index , or
  • contains a free subgroup of rank .

The two possibilities are mutually exclusive.

This theorem was conjectured by Bass and Serre and proved by Jacques Tits in 1972 . An essential ingredient in the proof was the ping-pong lemma .

In general, it is said that a class of groups fulfills the Tits alternative if all groups from this class are either almost resolvable or contain a free subgroup of rank .


The Tits alternative applies to numerous classes of groups, including the following:

  • Finally created subgroups of for any body
  • Hyperbolic groups
  • Figure class groups of compact areas
  • Groups which are free and actually on a CAT (0) - Dice complex act
  • Groups of polynomial automorphisms of the
  • Groups of bimeromorphic automorphisms of compact Kahler manifolds
  • Groups of birational images of compact Kähler areas


A group to which the Tits alternative does not apply must either

or but

  • not be indirect, but not contain a free subgroup of rank .

Groups with either of these characteristics are difficult to construct and are considered exotic. A number of examples are now known:

There are finitely generated resolvable groups whose automorphism groups do not satisfy the Tits alternative.


Tits, J .: "Free subgroups in linear groups". Journal of Algebra 20 (2), 250-270 (1972). online (pdf)

Web links

Tointon: The Tits Alternative

Individual evidence

  1. Gromov, M .: Hyperbolic groups. Essays in group theory, Publ., Math. Sci. Res. Inst. 8, 75-263 (1987).
  2. ^ Ivanov, NV: Algebraic properties of the Teichmüller modular group. So V. Math., Dokl. 29: 288-291 (1984); McCarthy, John: A "Tits-alternative" for subgroups of surface mapping class groups. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 291: 583-612 (1985).
  3. Bestvina, Mladen; Feighn, Mark; Handel, Michael: The Tits alternative for Out (F n ). I: Dynamics of exponentially-growing automorphisms. Ann. Math. (2) 151, No. 2: 517-623 (2000). The Tits alternative for Out (F n ). II: A Kolchin type theorem. Ann. Math. (2) 161, No. 1, 1-59 (2005).
  4. Sageev, Michah; Wise, Daniel T .: The Tits alternative for CAT (0) cubical complexes. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 37, no. 5, 706-710 (2005).
  5. Lamy, Stéphane: The Tits alternative for Aut [ℂ2]. (L'alternative de Tits pour Aut [ℂ 2 ].) J. Algebra 239, no. 2: 413-437 (2001).
  6. Oguiso, Keiji: Tits alternative in hyper-Kähler manifolds. Math. Res. Lett. 13, No. 2-3, 307-316 (2006).
  7. ^ Cantat, Serge: Sur les groupes de transformations birationnelles des surfaces. Ann. Math. (2) 174, No. 1, 299-340 (2011).
  8. ^ Hartley, Brian: A conjecture of Bachmuth and Mochizuki on automorphisms of soluble groups. Can. J. Math. 28: 1302-1310 (1976).