Titus Flavius ​​Postumius Titianus

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Titus Flavius ​​Postumius Titianus was a Roman politician in the 3rd and 4th centuries.

He came from a senatorial family during the Roman Empire and was the great-grandson of the speaker and politician Marcus Postumius Festus , who in 160 was the first of his family to become consul. His relative Postumius Festus Titianus , also great-grandson of Marcus Postumius Festus, had made it to the consulate.

Titus Flavius ​​Postumius Titianus himself had a steep political career. He was both quaestor and praetor candidate of the emperor ( candidatus principis ), which indicates his close relationship with the imperial court. He was successively Corrector Campaniae , Corrector Italiae Transpadanae , Curator coloniarum Lugdunensium and XIIvir urbis Romae , then Consularis aquarum et Miniciae and as such responsible for the maintenance of the aqueducts and the grain supply of Rome with proconsular authority .

After becoming a suffect consul between 285 and 290 , he took over the governorship of the province of Africa as proconsul in 295 . Finally in 301 he became consul for the second time, but this time full consul together with Virius Nepotianus . The highlight of his career was his appointment as city prefect of Rome ( praefectus urbi ) in 305 .

In addition to his secular offices, he also had religious duties to perform. So he was pontifex dei solis (priest of the sun god Sol ) and augur .


Individual evidence

  1. CIL 06, 1416
  2. Rudolf Hanslik : Postumius 82. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen antiquity science (RE). Volume XXII, 1, Stuttgart 1953, Col. 954 f.
  3. CIL 06, 1418
  4. Rudolf Hanslik : Postumius 82. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen antiquity science (RE). Volume XXII, 1, Stuttgart 1953, Sp. 954-955, here Sp. 955.
  5. PIR²P 899
  6. CIL 08, 26566
  7. CIL 06, 1418