Titus Quinctius Crispinus Sulpicianus

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Titus Quinctius Crispinus Sulpicianus was a Roman senator at the time of Emperor Augustus .

Crispinus Sulpicianus was of patrician origin and either the biological son of a Sulpicius and the adopted son of a Quinctius or the son of a Sulpicia and a Quinctius . The career of Crispinus Sulpicianus is largely unknown; What is certain is that it was around 18 BC Chr. Triumvir monetalis was. Under his consulate, which he established in 9 BC. BC together with Augustus' stepson Nero Claudius Drusus , the lex Quinctia was adopted over the Roman aqueducts and the Ara Pacis was inaugurated on the Martian field. In Velleius Paterculus he is characterized as "useless and defiant". Perhaps Crispinus Sulpicianus was one of Julia's lovers and was therefore born in 2 BC. BC sent into exile by her father Augustus.


  1. ^ Frontinus , De aquis urbis Romae 129.1.
  2. ^ Velleius Paterculus, Compendium of Roman History 2,100.5.
  3. Tacitus , Annals 3,24,2.
