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Coordinates: 9 ° 5 ′  N , 79 ° 23 ′  W

Map: Panama
Panama Airport near Tocumen

Tocumen is a city in the Central American Republic of Panama . This is where the international airport is located, which is connected to the city by a motorway.

Tocumen is the third largest city in the country after Panama City and San Miguelito . The population is 98,690 (2008).

The city is located near the Gulf of Panama in the coastal plain around 20 km northeast of the capital on the road from Panama City and San Miguelito to Chepo. The construction of the airport in 1947 contributed to the development of the until then rather insignificant place; the current terminal dates from 1978 . On July 2, 2004 , there was an airplane disaster at the airport, which resulted in 6 deaths.

Despite the industrial settlements in the vicinity of Panama Airport , the city is still characterized by widespread poverty, so that Tocumen is one of the densely populated suburban slum settlements typical of Latin America. The crime rate in this zona roja is also above average.


  • Icon Group International, Incorporation Staff (Ed.): The 2006 Economic and Product Market Databook for Tocumen, Panama. Icon Group International, Incorporated, 2006, ISBN 049781692X

Web links

Commons : Tocumen  - collection of images, videos and audio files