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The toggle , also the toggeli , like the tuntschi and the fengg, is a legend in the Swiss Alps . In Lucerne it is also called Schrättli.

The toggeli is one of the nightmare , i.e. one of the nocturnal legendary figures. It behaves aggressively and maliciously towards humans and cattle. It sits on people's chest until they can no longer breathe. It plagues animals in the barn in a variety of ways.

Against the toggle, the shoes should be placed upside down in front of the bed or a knife with an open blade should be stuck up into the wall. In the stable, according to popular belief, a scythe leaned against the door with a peg upwards helps .


  • Anton Müller-Ermensee: Fabulous things from the city of Lucerne and the Pilatus area. 2nd Edition. Strom-Verlag, Luzern 2002, ISBN 978-3-85921-096-7 .
  • Alois Lütolf (Ed.): Sagas and customs and legends from the five towns of Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden and Zug. Reprint of the edition Luzern 1862. Olms, Hildesheim et al. 1976, ISBN 3-487-05973-8 , ( Volkskundliche Quellen 4, Sage ).
  • Toggeli in the Swiss Idiotikon .

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