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Coordinates: 6 ° 14 '  N , 1 ° 29'  E

Map: Togo

Togoville is a place in the Maritime Region of southern Togo , on the north bank of Lake Togo . The place was originally called Togo . This name became the name of the entire country, first the German colony Togoland , later the independent state of Togo, after Gustav Nachtigal signed a treaty here with the local ruler Mlapa III in 1884 . had concluded, from which Germany derived its claims to the entire later Togo.

The most famous sites in the city are the Notre-Dame du Lac Togo cathedral , built in 1910, and a shrine to the Virgin Mary , which was built where she is supposed to have appeared. There are also several voodoo shrines and the former royal palace. In June 1984 a memorial was erected to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the Treaty of 1884.


  1. ^ A b Henry Cleere: Archaeological Heritage Management in the Modern World . Routledge , 2005, ISBN 0415214483 , p. 123.
  2. Kaniye S. A Ebeku: The Succession of Faure Gnassingbe to the Togolese Presidency: An International Law Perspective . Stylus Publishing, 2005, ISBN 9171065547 , p. 7.