Tol (unit)

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Tol , also Tolon (here only as a second term), was the smallest unit of mass (unit of weight) and also the smallest measure on the coast of the coromandel .

The dimensional chain was

  • 480 Tol = 40 Seer = 8 Bis = 1 Man = ½ Candi / Candy

As gold and silver weight, the measure had

  • in Bombay 1 Tol = 240.3 As (Dutch)
  • in Surat 1 Tol = 252 2/3 As (Dutch)


  • Jakob H. Kleinschmidt: The latest and most complete foreign dictionary. FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1843, p. 701.
  • Carl Günther Ludovici: Newly opened Academie der Kaufmann, or encyclopedic merchant lexicon of everything worth knowing and non-profit in the broad areas of commercial science and commerce in general. Volume 6, Breitkopf and Härtel, Leipzig 1801, p. 1050.