Toshirō Mutō

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Toshirō Mutō ( Japanese 武 藤 敏 郎 , Mutō Toshirō ; * July 2, 1943 in Urawa (today: Urawa-ku , Saitama )) was Deputy Governor ( 副 総 裁 , fuku-sōsai ) of the Bank of Japan (BoJ) from 2003 to 2008 . He was previously an official in the Treasury . He is a graduate of Tokyo University .

Nomination for governor of the BoJ

In February 2008, the government of Yasuo Fukuda Muto nominated to succeed Toshihiko Fukui as governor of the BoJ, whose term of office expired on March 19, 2008. However, the opposition with its majority in the upper house refused to approve the vote on March 12. The approval of both chambers of the Kokkai is necessary for the nomination . The nominee Mutō again and negotiated with the Democratic Party to avoid a vacuum in the bank's leadership. On March 18, Mutō's nomination in the House of Lords was rejected a second time. Then the government nominated Kōji Tanami , previously governor of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation ( 国際 協力 銀行 , kokusai kyōroku ginkō ).

In June 2008, Mutō left the central bank and since July 2008 has been working for Daiwa Sōken ( Daiwa Institute of Research Holdings ), which belongs to the Daiwa Shōken group ( Daiwa Securities ). He is also a visiting professor at the University of Tokyo.

Individual evidence

  1. BOJ TUSSLE LEAVES DIET PARALYZED. Fukuda's coalition finds itself trapped. In: The Japan Times . March 20, 2008, accessed September 24, 2009 .