Tourniquet syndrome

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Classification according to ICD-10
T81.8 Other procedural complications, not elsewhere classified
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

The term tourniquet syndrome (German Stauschlauch- syndrome ) describes strangulation of extremities by suitable foreign materials (eg. As hair, strings) and the resulting painful swelling that surgical emergencies pose because the strangulation to ischemia or necrosis leading to the affected body parts can. In principle, child abuse should also be considered when this syndrome is present in infancy .

Definition of terms

In paraphimosis , the strangulation is not caused by foreign material, but by the phimotically narrowed prepuce .

In the literature, the term tourniquet syndrome is sometimes used synonymously with post-ischemia syndrome , which describes the consequences of long-term circulatory disorders ( reperfusion damage ).

Individual evidence

  1. Alphabetical index to the ICD-10-WHO version 2019, volume 3. German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI), Cologne, 2019, p. 879
  2. H. Kristen: For the treatment of tourniquet syndrome with Trasylol. In: Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery. Springer, 1969, ISSN  1435-2443 , (online at: )
  3. ^ A. Klusmann, HG Lenard: Tourniquet syndrome - accident or abuse? In: Eur J Pediatr. Volume 163, No. 8, Aug 2004, pp. 495-498. PMID 15179509
  4. P. Lohana include: toe tourniquet syndrome: A Diagnostic Dilemma! In: Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2006 July; 88 (4), p. 358. PMC 1964618 (free full text)
  5. pschyrembel online, accessed August 8, 2020 Tourniquet Syndrome