Trabai Temiang

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Trabai Temiang
Trabai Temiang.jpg
Weapon type: Protective weapon
Designations: Trabai Temiang
Use: Protective weapon
Region of origin /
Indonesia , Lake Dayak
Distribution: Indonesia
Handle: Wood
Lists on the subject

The Trabai Temiang is a shield from Indonesia.


The Tarbai Temiang is usually made of braided bamboo . It is elongated and has a handle that is carved from one piece of wood. The top and bottom ends are triangular shaped. The outside is convex in shape. The Trabai Temiang is carried in the left hand and held at a distance from the body. This shield is not used to intercept spears , only to deflect spears with a movement of the wrist. It is often decorated on the outside with traditional paintings painted with red ocher . There is a version of the Trabai Temiang that is made of wood. This is called "Trabai Klit Klau".

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Albert G. van Zonneveld: Traditional weapons of the Indonesian archipelago. C. Zwartenkot Art Books, Leiden 2001, ISBN 90-5450-004-2 , p. 147.

Web links

Commons : Shields  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files