Trataka ( Sanskrit , n., त्राटक, trāṭaka) is one of the six main purification exercises of Hatha Yoga , the Shatkriyas . This is the constant stare at a certain point or a certain object without blinking the eyelids. It is said to help cleanse the eyes, remove tiredness and develop eyesight through the provoked flow of tears. In the further course of the exercise you close your eyes and try to keep the image of the object in front of your inner eye. This can be repeated several times alternately.
In addition to the cleaning effect, Trataka is especially helpful for the development of the ability to concentrate and the concentration of the mind on one point. Some yoga scriptures even claim that intensive practice would open the third eye (Trikuti; Ajna Chakra ) and that the practice would lead to clairvoyance . Therefore it is useful for students of the different yoga paths.
This is a great strain for the eyes, which - analogous to long work at a computer screen - can damage eyesight. On the other hand, letting your gaze wander blankly into the distance is relaxing for the eyes and completely harmless. As with all other exercises, Trataka should only be practiced under the expert guidance of an experienced yoga teacher.